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Deleting an Assignment

Deleting an assignment permanently removes the template, outline, student submissions, rubrics, and grades.

To delete an assignment:

  1. Open the assignment.
  2. Go to the assignment's setting page from either option:
    1. From the Assignment dashboard, select the dotted menu and then select Assignment Settings.
    2. From within the assignment, go to left side menu, and select Settings.
  3. On the Edit Assignment page, go to the bottom of the page, and select Delete Assignment
  4. Depending on your assignment setup, you'll see one of two different confirmation messages. A screen capture of two different delete assignment confirmation modals. The "Are you sure?" on the left has Delete and Cancel buttons. The Delete Assignment modal on the right contains required checkboxes with Delete and Cancel buttons.
  5. Confirm your deletion, or Cancel if you change your mind.
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