Syncing a Learning Management System (LMS) roster and posting grades from Gradescope to an LMS, both involve accessing student email addresses. If you're using Gradescope with an LMS (e.g., Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Moodle, or Sakai) and you are unable to sync rosters or post grades, you may not have the correct permissions to access student email addresses. Especially if you are a teaching assistant (TA) in your course, it's possible that your institution's LMS setup may not allow users with your role to access student emails. If you suspect this may be the case there are a few things you can try:
- Solution 1: Ask another instructor in the course to try syncing the roster or posting grades in Gradescope.
- Solution 2: Ask your admin or another instructor in your LMS course to change your role to "instructor" in your LMS course and then resync the roster in Gradescope.
- Solution 3: Ask your institution's LMS IT team to upgrade your role to "instructor" in your LMS course and/or grant you permissions to access student email addresses. Then resync the roster in Gradescope.
- Solution 4: Opt not to use the full Gradescope-LMS integration in this course. For instructor-uploaded assignments, once you finish grading in Gradescope, download a spreadsheet of grades for each assignment from Gradescope and manually upload it to your LMS gradebook or grades page. For student-uploaded assignments, first, upload a course roster CSV file to your Roster page in Gradescope, making sure to select "Let new users know that they were added to the course" when you see that option. Students will receive an email to join your course and submit their work on rather than through the LMS. Once you finish grading in Gradescope, download a spreadsheet of grades for each assignment from Gradescope and manually upload it to your LMS gradebook or grades page.