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Submitting a Regrade Request


If your instructor has enabled regrade requests, you can submit your regrade request at the question level. The assignment submission page has a Request Regrade button in the bottom action bar. 
How to view grading results and request a regrade

To submit a regrade request:

  1. Select the question that you want to be regraded. This will display the rubric for that question and highlight the rubric items that were applied.
  2. Select Request Regrade in the bottom action bar.
  3. In the Regrade Request for Question X modal, enter in an explanation of the regrade request for the question.
  4. Select Request a Regrade.

    Tip: Instructors are most likely to respond to regrade requests when they are polite and concise.

    Regrade request modal on student side.png
  5. If you have multiple requests, repeat steps 1 to 3 to submit one for each question that you want to be reviewed.
  6. To view the conversation thread for a specific request, select a question when you view your graded submission.
  7. After a regrade request is resolved, you can make another request for that question by submitting another Request Regrade.

What happens after I submit a regrade request? Once a request has been sent, your instructor and the grader who graded the question will be sent an email notification of the request. A grader may then re-grade the question, reply with a response, and close the request. If the regrade request is closed, you will receive an email notification that your request has been resolved.


Viewing the status of a Regrade Request

You can view all pending and completed regrade requests for a course on the Regrade Requests page (in the left sidebar).

Here's the various regrade request statuses and their meaning:

  • IR - the regrade request is in review.
  • R - the regrade request has been resolved.
  • Completed - the regrade request has been addressed by the instructor or grader and you should be able to see your updated score for that question.
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