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Welcome to the new Gradescope Guides site

Welcome to Gradescope’s new help guidance site! Take a moment to visit the new pages to update your bookmarks and get familiar with the new content, improved organization, and search functionality. 


What’s new?

Our guidance search has greatly improved
Use the search bar at the top of any page to locate the guidance you’re searching for.

Our student guidance is more comprehensive
Students now have a submitting an assignment article for every Gradescope assignment, visit our Submitting Assignments content. For students who access Gradescope via an LMS, visit the Submitting to Gradescope in an LMS for Students section. Visit the Student Center area for all student-related guidance.

Our administrator guidance exists all in one place
Our Administrator Dashboard and Configuring an SSO Integration content now lives in our Admin Account Management area. We've also introduced an Admin FAQ area to answer some commonly asked questions from institution admins. Visit the Administrators area for all admin-related guidance.

Our instructor guidance exists all in one place
Our Course Management and Assignment Management content now lives in the Instructor area for managing courses and assignments. All Gradescope assignments now have their own Grading articles, check out our Grading and Tracking Assignments content. Visit the Instructors area for all instructor-related guidance. 

Use the table below as a cheatsheet to quickly locate guidance.

What you're looking for Where to find it
Student guidance  Student Center
Student LMS guidance Using Gradescope in an LMS for Students
LMS guidance for administrators and instructors LMS Workflows
Administrator account settings + Admin FAQ Gradescope for Administrators
Instructor guidance Instructors
Assignment workflow Instructors
Course workflow Instructors
Instructor FAQ + Remote Assessment FAQ Instructors
User profile guidance

Account Management

Creating, Editing, and Deleting an Assignment

Assignment Settings Overview 

Administrator Dashboard + Configuring an SSO Integration

Admin Account Management


What's happening to the old help center?

The old Gradescope help site will be available through August 5, 2024. Thank you for your understanding as we make this transition and improve the support we are able to provide through our help guidance.


Will URLs be redirected from the old site?

Yes! The old help site will be available through August 5th, at which time URLs will be redirected to the new site’s orientation page. If you would like to get a head start, you can begin updating your existing help links with the corresponding article in the new help center. The quickest way to find the new article is to search the title of the article in the new Gradescope Guides site.

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