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Resetting Your Password

  1. If you have forgotten your password or are unable to log in, first go to the Gradescope website and Log In (top right corner).
  2. When the login dialog appears, select Forgot Your Password? This will take you to the Reset Password page.
  3. On the Reset Password page, enter the email associated with your account.

    If you can’t remember the email address you used for your account, try your university email first. Your course staff can also check the roster in Gradescope for you, so you can ask them to look it up.

  4. Select Reset Password. Gradescope will email you instructions and a link to reset your password.

Missing courses after logging in? If you can't find the courses you're looking for once you log in with your new password, you could have multiple accounts under different emails. In that case, you will need to merge your accounts.

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