You can find out more information about how to access Gradescope, submit assignments, and view grades and submissions in Blackboard.
Want to submit using the Gradescope website directly? Learn how to submit with the Gradescope mobile app.
Accessing Gradescope
When you access Gradescope through Blackboard, you will not need separate Gradescope credentials, even if you are a new Gradescope user.
If you already have a Gradescope account under the email address that's associated with your Blackboard account (e.g., your school email), when you access Gradescope in Blackboard you will be taken to your existing account. If you end up with multiple accounts under multiple emails, you can merge your accounts.
- If you're using Blackboard Original, your Gradescope course link will be under Tools in your Blackboard course.
- If your school uses the latest version of the Blackboard-Gradescope integration, your instructor may also give you direct links to each Gradescope assignment on your Content page.
- If you're using Blackboard Ultra, your Gradescope course link will be under View course & institution tools or on your Course Content page in Blackboard.
- If your school uses the latest version of the Blackboard-Gradescope integration, your instructor may also give you direct links to each Gradescope assignment on your Course Content page.
Blackboard Original vs. Ultra: Don't know if your school uses the Blackboard Original or Blackboard Ultra course view? Check out Blackboard's article What is Ultra? to help you figure it out.
Check out the Troubleshooting section if you have any problems accessing your Gradescope account.
Submitting assignments
- Log in to Blackboard. Click your course.
- In your Blackboard course, there are a couple of places you should check to get to your Gradescope assignment.
- First, check your Content (Blackboard Original) or Course Content (Blackboard Ultra) page for a direct link to your Gradescope assignment.
- If you're using Blackboard Ultra, you may have a Gradescope course link on your Blackboard Course Content page also.
- If you don't see an assignment or course link anywhere else, click Tools (Original) or View course & institution tools (Ultra). Click Gradescope and wait for your Gradescope course to launch, and then select your assignment.
- Based on your instructor's settings, next you could see instructions to upload PDFs or images, link code repositories, or start answering questions online.
- At this point, the way students submit Gradescope assignments is the same for Blackboard and non-Blackboard users so check out the in-depth articles on scanning and submitting work (if needed).
Keep in mind that if you encounter an error message trying to access your Gradescope assignment, the assignment may not be released to students yet.
- At this point, the way students submit Gradescope assignments is the same for Blackboard and non-Blackboard users so check out the in-depth articles on scanning and submitting work (if needed).
- Once you've submitted the assignment, if your instructor has allowed it, you can view your submission. If you don't have that option, then you will be able to view your work when your instructor publishes grades.
Viewing grades and submissions
- Log in to Blackboard.
- Then, click Grades or My Grades from in the left sidebar (terminology can differ by Blackboard version).
- Then, click your course and Gradescope assignment. If your instructor has posted grades to Blackboard, you will see your score and the total possible points for this assignment.
- To view your submission and feedback, launch your assignment in Gradescope the same way you did when you were submitting your work.
- If your instructor has published grades to Gradescope, you will be able to see your submission, points breakdown, and any comments your instructor gave you.
- If your instructor has published grades to Gradescope, you will be able to see your submission, points breakdown, and any comments your instructor gave you.