In this guide:
What settings/permissions do we need to consider when using an integration with Gradescope?
- How do I know what is supported with integrations?
What settings/permissions do we need to consider when using an integration with Gradescope?
Posting Grades
Student grades can’t be posted from Gradescope to an LMS unless a course has been both published and made visible to students on the LMS side. If a course is closed on the LMS side, this will prevent grades being posted or synced across from Gradescope to your chosen LMS. To fix this, you’ll need to reopen a course again to sync grades.
Syncing Rosters
If you have any users that are listed as inactive or locked on the LMS side the user information can’t be shared with Gradescope and this will prevent course rosters from being synced. To fix this, you could remove these users from the course and then try again to sync the course roster which should allow for course rosters to be synced successfully.
For TAs and Instructors to be able to sync course rosters, they need to have permissions set in the LMS that allow them to see student email addresses.
For Gradescope to successfully sync course rosters and create accounts, users will need to have all email addresses associated with their accounts in the LMS. This is because Gradescope uses email addresses as unique identifiers so any associated email addresses need to be listed in the user’s LMS profile in order for the correct information to be sent to us. This is the same for all users, including TAs, Instructors, and Students.
How do I know what is supported with integrations?
You can review the capabilities of your specific integration with Gradescope in our LMS Workflows section.
If you use an integration that is not listed on our help center, please contact your LMS provider and have them contact us via
Third-Party LMS mobile apps are not supported for use with Gradescope. If mobile apps are used, we recommend using the Gradescope Mobile app which allows users to submit assignments, even if the course and assignment is linked via an LMS.
The Gradescope mobile app does not currently support submitting to Online Assignments, Timed Assignments, and Programming Assignments and will redirect users to submit via their mobile browser instead.