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Creating Multi-version Assignments

Creating multiple versions of an Exam or Homework assignment is available with an Institutional license or Institutional Trial.

What assignments can have multiple versions?

  • Assignment versioning is available for Exam or Homework assignments where you as the instructor or TA will be uploading students' submissions (designated as instructor-uploaded assignments in your assignment settings).
  • Assignment versioning is not available for Online Assignments, Programming Assignments, or any other assignment where students will be submitting or uploading their own work (designated as student-uploaded assignments when you create the assignment).

Want to create a multi-version Bubble Sheet assignment? See the Creating multiple versions section in our Bubble Sheet assignment guide.

Creating a multi-version assignment or exam

Creating a multi-version assignment or exam

  1. To get started, first find or create the instructor-uploaded Exam or Homework assignment that you'd like to be the first version.
  2. To make the second assignment version, either: 
    1. Create another instructor-uploaded assignment from scratch or 
    2. Duplicate the assignment, and select Duplicate Assignment on the Assignments page. 
      1. If your second version has a different exam template, replace the template PDF for the second version (your outline will be preserved) from that assignment's Settings page (left sidebar).
  3. Duplicating an assignment copies over the template PDF, the outline, the question regions, and all the rubrics for that assignment.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed to create any additional (more than 2) exam versions.
  5. (Optional) Next, you can create an exam version set to organize the versions together. For steps, go to Creating, Editing, and Deleting an Exam Version Set.
Uploading submissions to a multi-version assignment

Uploading submissions to a multi-version assignment

When you're scanning submissions, try organizing the paper copies of students' work by assignment versions to more easily scan, upload, and manage submissions. To do this, you'll want to separate the paper copies into each assignment version and then scan them, which will create a single PDF file of submissions for each assignment version.  

  1. Select a version of the assignment from the Course Dashboard or Assignments page.
  2. On the Manage Scans page, upload the corresponding scanned submission file(s) for that assignment version.
  3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 as needed for each assignment version.
  4. When assigning students and managing submissions for all versions on the Manage Submissions page:
    1. Make sure each student has been correctly assigned to their uploaded submission.
    2. Make sure that each student has only one submission allocated for the entire exam version set.
    3. Use the Students who Have Not Been Matched list to see which students don't have a submission across all versions.
    4. Use the student list to see if an student has already been assigned to a submission and to which version they have a submission in the exam version set.

Creating, Editing, and Deleting an Exam Version Set

Creating, Editing, and Deleting an Exam Version Set

If you have multiple versions of an assignment or exam, you have the option to group the versions together for your grading needs with the Exam Version Set feature. An Exam Version Set allows you to seamlessly download grades, publish and unpublish grades, manage regrade requests, and sync back to the LMS for all included versions.

You will need a minimum of two of instructor-uploaded assignments in your course. Note that versioned assignments do not need to have the same number of questions or the same content.

Creating an exam version set

After you have created at least two versions of an instructor-uploaded assignment, you can organize them into an exam version set.

  1. On the Assignments page, select Organize Exam Versions.
  2. Select an assignment for both Version A and Version B, in the Organize Exam Versions modal. You’ll need to have created at least two instructor-uploaded assignments to create an exam version set. 
  3. To add another assignment, select + Add Version. Repeat this step as needed.
  4. If you’ve already scanned and uploaded the student exams for the assignments you’re adding to the exam version set, make sure each student only has one assignment submission allocated for the entire exam version set. Otherwise, you’ll have to delete any duplicate student submissions before you can create the exam version set.
  5. Enter a Title.
  6. Select Create Exam Version Set.


Editing an Exam Version Set

  1. Go to your Assignments page.
  2. Find the exam version set, and select Edit Version Set Settings from the dotted menu.
  3. On the Settings page, you can edit the title, submission anonymization, and the existing versions or add new versions for the exam version set.
  4. Save your changes.


Deleting an Exam Version Set

  1. Go to your Assignments page.
  2. Find the exam version set in the assignment list, and select Delete Exam Version Set from the dotted menu.
  3. Select Delete Exam Version Set, from the Settings page.
  4. Select Delete from the confirmation modal.

Any of the original assignments added to the exam version set won’t be deleted and can still be accessed from your Assignments page.

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