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Using Markdown for Assignments

If you'd like to, you can use Markdown syntax in rubric items to insert images, clickable links, code blocks, tables, bulleted and numbered lists, bold/italicize text, and more. Simply click on the rubric item description box and either select one of the provided options or insert your custom Markdown command. Markdown syntax can also be used in text annotations, regrade requests, question content in Online Assignments, and inline comments in manually graded Programming Assignments.


Markdown Syntax

Style Syntax


# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
Bold **Bold text**
Italic _Italicized text_
Strikethrough ~~Strikethrough~~
> Quotation
● Bulleted list * First item
* Second item
* Third item
Can use asterisks (*), hypens (-), or plus signs (+)
1. Numbered List 1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
Inline Code `Code`
Code Block
let myVar
Horizontal Line ---
Link [Link title](
Gradescope logo
![Alt text](url to image)

YouTube video

![youtube](YouTube link)
Table | Column Header | Column Header |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| Row 1, Column 1 | Row 1, Column 2 |
| Row 2, Column 1 | Row 2, Column 2 |
*Backslash Escapes* \*Backslash Escapes\*

To display a literal character that Markdown could otherwise interpret as formatting syntax (e.g., asterisks), use a backslash before the character. Keep in mind that you only need to escape a character when it could be treated as a Markdown command. For instance, a backslash is not needed before hyphens within words or before the exclamation mark in "Great job!" If needed though, backslash escapes can be used to generate the following as literal characters:

* asterisk
\ backslash
` backtick
{} curly braces
. dot
! exclamation mark
# hash mark
- minus sign (hyphen)
() parentheses
+ plus sign
[] square brackets
_ underscore
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