Possible submission problems and solutions
Use the table below to troubleshoot your submission upload issues and correct the errors, if possible. Then, try resubmit the assignment in Gradescope. Be mindful of how much time you have left before the due date will pass or before the timer will run out (if your assignment has a time limit).
Assignment still opens |
Assignment does not open / no Resubmit button |
Your timer could have run out or your due date may have passed, so you will not be able to resubmit. If you suspect that's the case, then contact your instructor to see how they would like you to proceed. If needed, your instructor will be able to submit your work for you or extend your time limit at their discretion. |
The button/page isn’t working on Gradescope |
Sometimes if Gradescope isn’t working properly, it could be due to browser issues or requirements. To resolve this issue, we'd first advise clearing the cache and cookies in your given browser. If, however, the issue persists after clearing your cache, please update your browser version, restart the browser and start again. For more information on which browser and OS versions are supported, see our supported browsers and operating systems (OS) article. |
Gradescope says it is an incorrect file type |
There are different types of assignments your instructor can create in Gradescope. For each assignment type, Gradescope will only accept certain file types. They are as follows:
If you submitted one of the acceptable file types listed above, but you still can't upload your submission, double-check that your file-type extensions were written correctly. For example, make sure all jpegs have ".jpg" and all PDFs have ".pdf" at the end of the file names. Then, check for missing periods in your file extensions. Finally, make sure that the file extension listed for each file is the correct one. For example, check that files with ".pdf" extensions are not actually jpegs. |
I am trying to upload multiple PDFs |
If you're submitting a PDF to a variable-length, templated, or bubble sheet assignment, you will only be able to submit a single PDF. Therefore, if you have multiple, separate PDFs to submit, you need to consolidate them into one PDF first. To protect your privacy, it is not recommended that you use free PDF-combining websites or apps to do that. Instead, if you're not sure how to combine multiple PDF files, try one of the solutions below.
My files aren't uploading to Gradescope |
Sometimes spotty WiFi and unstable internet connections interrupt the submission process and your files do not upload to Gradescope. Double-check that your internet is working correctly and try again. |
I can't click the Upload PDF or Upload Image buttons on Gradescope |
If you see a "422 error" or if the Upload PDF or Upload Image buttons on Gradescope are not clickable, you may be having problems with your internet browser. To fix this, you can try clearing your browser cache or cookies, or try accessing the assignment on a different browser or device. |
I'm having image-related errors |
It's highly recommended that you upload PDF files rather than images to Gradescope. However, if you do upload images and you're having issues submitting them, one of the following image-related errors might be the cause:
Please note that if you are planning to upload image files, leave yourself plenty of time before the due date passes or the time limit expires for your images to upload, it can be time consuming to upload images to multiple questions and/or internet connections can be slow or unstable at times. |
The assignment time limit ran out |
It's possible that your files did not upload because you were working on a timed assignment and your timer ran out. If you were in the process of uploading a submission file when the assignment time limit expired, then your file(s) would not have been accepted. You'll know the assignment you were working on had a time limit if you had to click a Start Assignment button to begin working and you saw a countdown clock in the top right of your screen after starting the assignment. |
The assignment submission didn't go through/wasn't accepted |
It's possible that your submission did not go through because you closed or navigated away from your Gradescope window or tab before the upload was complete. Except in Online Assignments, you'll be able to tell that your upload was successful if you received an on-screen success notification and an emailed submission receipt from Gradescope. |
I forgot to select my assignment pages when I submitted using the Gradescope app |
You can finish assigning these pages of your submission by logging into your account via the Gradescope website. |