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Submitting an Online Assignment

Online Assignments have a mix of questions with some that ask you to enter your answers online in Gradescope and others that ask you to upload images or files containing your answers. Here are the questions that an Online Assignment can contain:

  • Short answer: you enter your response on Gradescope using a word, number/equation, or a few words. Responses are auto-graded as ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ based on an instructor-provided correct answer.
  • Free response: you enter your response on Gradescope using multiple lines or paragraphs
  • Multiple choice: you select the single correct answer from a group of options on your screen
  • Select all: you select all the correct answers from a group of options on your screen
  • File upload: you answer the question outside of Gradescope and then upload a file or image of the answer

Submitting an Online Assignment

  1. After you select the Online Assignment you’d like to work on, the next thing you see will depend on whether or not your assignment is timed and has additional security measures in place.
    • Not timed: If you see and can start answering your questions, your assignment is not timed and there are no additional security measures. Continue to Step 2.
    • Timed: If you see a dialog box about time limits, your assignment will be timed. Read the dialog box to find the due date, the latest date/time you can begin working, and a Maximum Time Permitted field with how many minutes you will have to complete the assignment. While you work, there will be a timer that you can hide on your screen showing how many minutes are left. When you’re ready to open the assignment and start the timer, click the Start Assignment button.
  2. Once you start your assignment, read each question carefully and pay special attention to how your instructor has asked you to provide your answer. You could be asked to provide answers to more complex questions in multiple ways.

    File uploads: If an answer field says “Please select file(s),” you need to complete your work on that question outside of Gradescope (e.g., by handwriting it, drawing it, etc.) and upload the image(s)/file(s) containing your answer. Gradescope accepts all file types for file upload questions on online assignments.

    How to submit images to an assignment
  3. As you work, you can track how many questions you’ve finished and how many you have left along the top of your screen. Saving or submitting answers is slightly different based on whether or not your assignment is timed. See below:
    • Not timed: You will need to click the Submit Answer button as you finish each question. You’ll see a timestamp next to each answer you submit. Along the top of your screen, you can also track how many questions you’ve answered or started, but haven’t submitted. Any answers you haven’t submitted will have an asterisk next to them in your assignment.
    • Timed: Your answers will be autosaved as you complete them. You will not have a button to submit each one.
  4. When you’re finished with the assignment, select View Your Submission to check your work. During the allotted time (if you instructor set a time limit) and submission period, you can resubmit (by selecting Resubmit) or update your answers as many times as you need to. You will be graded based on your final answer for each question.

Submission notifications

Except in the case of Online Assignments, when you submit your work, you will receive an automated email from Gradescope that includes the date and time you turned in the assignment, the assignment due date, the late due date (if your instructor set one), and a link to your submission.

The email also reminds you that you can resubmit work as many times as you need to until the due date passes or the timer runs out (if your assignment is timed).

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