In this guide:
- Submitting code
- Reviewing your grade with an autograder
- Resubmitting with an autograder
- Reviewing your grade when your instructor manually grades the assignment
- Submission notifications
Submitting code
- Log in to Gradescope.
- From your Dashboard, open the programming assignment. The Submit modal will appear.
- Select your Submission Method:
- Upload - Drag and drop your code file(s) into Gradescope
- GitHub - Submit a GitHub repository
- Bitbucket - Submit a Bitbucket repository
- To submit from GitHub or Bitbucket:
- Link your account in if you have not already.
- Authorize Gradescope as a third party app in your GitHub or BitBucket account.
- Choose the Repository and Branch.
- When submitting, you can upload as many files as you’d like, including files of different types.
You can successfully upload up to 256 individual files (or in a zip folder) and a total of 100MB in Gradescope directly, or you can submit larger files using a Github or Bitbucket integration.
- Select Upload.
When your upload is successful, you’ll see a confirmation message on your screen, and you’ll receive an email.
Reviewing your grade with an autograder
If your instructor has set up a code autograder for the assignment, wait a few minutes for the instructor’s autograder to grade your code file. When your results appear, scroll down to view any failed tests.
Depending on how your instructor has set up the assignment, some autograder test cases may only appear after the due date for the assignment passes or may be hidden from student view. In these cases, you will not see a total assignment score on Gradescope.
Resubmitting with an autograder
If there are any errors you want to fix, you can edit your code and select Resubmit to resubmit your code file.
Assignments can be resubmitted as many times as you’d like before the deadline, although some instructors may limit the number of times you can resubmit as part of their autograders.
To re-activate an older submission with an autograder:
- Select the assignment name, and then select Submission History at the bottom of the page.
- Select the submission you want to activate, and select Activate.
- By default, your instructor will see the score for the active submission. They can also view and activate any of your other submissions from the Submission History.
Reviewing your grade when your instructor manually grades the assignment
If your instructor has not set up an autograder, you will see a This assignment does not have an autograder configured message when you submit.
Your instructor may have chosen to manually grade certain questions on the programming assignment, or to manually grade the entire assignment and skip setting up an autograder. If that’s the case, those questions will be graded later, and you’ll receive a separate notification from Gradescope when the manual grading is complete.
Submission notifications
When you submit your work, you will receive an automated email from Gradescope that includes the date and time you turned in the assignment, the assignment due date, the late due date (if your instructor set one), and a link to your submission. The email also reminds you that you can resubmit work as many times as you need to until the due date passes or the timer runs out (if your assignment is timed).