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Submitting images for an assignment

  1. After you select the assignment you’re turning in, a dialog box will appear.
  2. In the dialog box, click Submit Images. You will be taken to a list of questions for your assignment.
  3. Click on Select images for the first question and choose the images that correspond to the question.
    • Repeat this until you have submitted images for all the questions in the assignment.
  4. Once you have finished adding images to all questions, click on Submit Assignment to complete the assignment submission.

Submit images for variable length assignment - student.png

Submission notifications

When you submit your work, you will receive an automated email from Gradescope that includes the date and time you turned in the assignment, the assignment due date, the late due date (if your instructor set one), and a link to your submission. The email also reminds you that you can resubmit work as many times as you need to until the due date passes or the timer runs out (if your assignment is timed).

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