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Accounts, Enrollments, and Role Provisioning


Staff Roles and Permissions

Gradescope has three staff roles: Instructors, TAs, and Readers. The TA and Reader roles share the same permissions in Gradescope, so you can choose to designate someone either as a TA or Reader depending on your course needs. Please see the following table for a list of staff roles and their permissions.

Permissions Instructor TA/Reader
Add or remove students Yes Yes
Receive notifications for all regrade requests Yes No
Receive regrade request notifications for submissions they graded Yes Yes
Duplicate or delete courses Yes No
Names are visible to students on the course dashboard Yes No

Accounts and Enrollments when using an LMS

If you’re using Gradescope with an LMS integration, your students’ accounts will be created automatically when they interact with a Gradescope-linked assignment. As a result, students don’t have to sign up via the Gradescope website to access their assignments. However, students can still access their Gradescope account via the Gradescope website and mobile app (regardless of whether an LMS integration is used).

When a course roster is synced from the LMS to Gradescope, the option will also appear to notify users of their enrollment. For more information on course enrollment notifications, check out our Managing course enrollment email notifications article.

Managing enrollment codes for courses

The Course Entry code allows students to enroll in a course via a code. This setting can be enabled when you create a course or at any time in the assignment settings. Enrollment codes are optional for Instructors to use for their courses. Instructors can enable or disable using enrollment codes for course entry at any time in the Course Settings.

When it's enabled, a course entry code will be generated randomly and for a specific course. These codes are not associated with subject course IDs, such as MATH101. Course entry codes can be distributed to Gradescope course members so that they can add themselves or, alternatively, relevant members of staff can add users to a course via uploading the CSV roster.

The entry code can be found on your roster in the bottom left.

Gradescope support cannot provide enrollment codes to course members, if a support request is made, because support does not know which members should have access to a course and which ones should not.

For our student guidance on enrollment codes, check out our Joining a course using a course code article.

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