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Managing Course Grades

In this guide:


Viewing students grades

You can view a history of grades in your course for any student by clicking on the student’s name in the course roster. From here, you can also quickly jump to the submissions for that student.

If the student has submitted to any assignments with anonymous grading enabled, submission information for those assignments will not be displayed. To find out more about anonymous grading, check out our Anonymous Grading guidance.

Exporting course grades

The Download Grades button can be found on the Assignments page in the bottom action bar.

To download all the assignment grades as a spreadsheet, navigate to the Assignments page, and click the button in the bottom action bar titled Download Grades. All assignment grades and roster information (including extra columns) will be included in this spreadsheet.

Unpublishing all grades

Want to unpublish all grades within your course? This feature is available with an Institutional license.

To unpublish grades for all assignments within a course, access the Course Settings, scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Unpublish All Grades. Unpublishing all grades will remove student access to previously published:

  • Grades for all assignment types
  • Rubrics and feedback for all assignment types
  • Submissions for any Online Assignments
  • Any instructor-uploaded assignments

Students will retain access to any submitted files for all student-uploaded assignment types except Online Assignments. All grading and submissions will remain visible to Instructors, TAs, and Readers to be republished at any time if needed.

Courses that have unpublished grades for all assignments will appear in a lighter color and will have a No Published Grades label on your course dashboard.

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