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Managing Course Enrollment Email Notifications

Notifying users while enrolling them

You can choose to notify users from the dialog box as you enroll them in your course. To do this, select the checkbox that says “Let new users know that they were added to this course” at the bottom of the dialog box. All users who were just added to your course will receive an email about their enrollment with a link to set a password and log in.

Notifying students in a course after enrollment

You can also send a mass email about enrollment to all students who have been enrolled in the course at any time after uploading the roster file or adding them individually. Follow the quick steps below for how to do this:

  1. On your course Roster page (Course homepage > Roster, left sidebar), click Send Enrollment Notification in the bottom right.
    • A dialog box will appear.
  2. In the dialog box, click the Send Emails button.

Please note that students will only get an email about course enrollment this way if they haven’t logged in to Gradescope yet.

When to notify students about course enrollment

If you will be collecting and scanning in student work for the first assignment (e.g., an exam or quiz), we recommend waiting until grading for that assignment is complete to notify students that they have been added to your course.

On an instructor-submitted assignment, students can’t do anything in the system until they get their graded work back. You’ll be able to notify students later on, from the Review Grades step in the workflow.

If students will be submitting their work to Gradescope themselves for the first assignment (e.g., homework or a problem set), be sure to use one of the methods above to notify them as soon as they’ve been added to your course.

This way, students can log in and submit their work as soon as possible.


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