For PDF or images are on my phone / My work is handwritten:
- Download the Gradescope mobile app and submit your assignment from there.
For PDF or images are on my computer:
- Select whether you are uploading images or PDF.
- Search for your images or PDF from the files on your computer then select Open.
- Once your file(s) are uploaded, you can submit your assignment.
Depending on the assignment type, these steps to submit may differ.
Submission notifications
When you submit your work, you will receive an automated email from Gradescope that includes the date and time you turned in the assignment, the assignment due date, the late due date (if your instructor set one), and a link to your submission.
The email also reminds you that you can resubmit work as many times as you need to until the due date passes or the timer runs out (if your assignment is timed).