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Submitting a PDF for an assignment

  1. After you have the PDF of your work ready and you've selected the assignment (and clicked Start Assignment if it’s timed), a dialog box will appear where you can start uploading your work.

    Assignment templates: If your instructor has allowed it, you may also have a link to view, download, and print a PDF version of your assignment questions, instructions, or a bubble sheet that you can use to complete your work.

  2. When you’re ready, click Submit PDF > Select PDF > locate the file > Upload PDF. You can only submit one PDF file per assignment. After you upload, your instructor’s assignment settings determine what you see on your screen next. If you’re taken to a page that asks you to assign questions and pages, go to Step 3. If a success message pops up, you’re done! Sit back and relax or go to Step 5 to resubmit.
  3. On your screen, you should see a list of the questions/problems in your assignment and thumbnails of your PDF page(s). For each question, click the question on the left and the PDF page(s) that contains the answers on the right.

    Assigning pages: You can use the SHIFT key to select multiple questions at a time. You can assign multiple questions to the same page and multiple pages to one question. If each question is on its own page in your PDF, use the Assign Pages Sequentially button in the bottom action bar to quickly assign these pages. See the video at the beginning of this section for an example of how to properly mark your PDF.

  4. Now, click Submit. When your submission is successful, you will be sent to a new page to view your submission, you’ll see a success message on your screen, and you’ll receive an email. If your submitted file looks good, you see the success message, and you get the confirmation email, you’re done!
  5. If you need to, select the Resubmit button in the bottom right corner of your screen below your submission. Then, repeat the steps above as many times as needed before the assignment due date passes or the time limit runs out (if your instructor set one). Your instructor or TA will only see your most recent submission when they grade the assignment. All your past submissions are in your Submission History.

Submission notifications

When you submit your work, you will receive an automated email from Gradescope that includes the date and time you turned in the assignment, the assignment due date, the late due date (if your instructor set one), and a link to your submission. The email also reminds you that you can resubmit work as many times as you need to until the due date passes or the timer runs out (if your assignment is timed).

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